Saturday, December 10, 2011

Words from a Captain...

I started with Pan Am in 1965 based in JFK as a Navigator/2nd Officer.  I had already obtained my Nav. Certificate while in the Navy so my proving flights were just a formality.  Pan Am was great to me in that they let me fly on my wife's flights, Mary Squibbs Carr, who transferred from SFO as a Purser to JFK so we could be together.  When we were dating, while I was still in the Navy, I chased her around the Pacific on the Navy DC-6s that I was flying.  We were actually married a couple of years before I came to work with Pan Am.  It was meeting her friends and co-workers that convinced me that nothing could be better than joining the Pan Am family of wonderful people.

While in the Navy, I actually met my wife once over Ocean Station November in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, she in her 707 and me in my DC-6.  But that's a story for another day.

I was able to transfer back to SFO in 1966.  Another nice irony is that  I took my rating training on the 707 in Hawaii and we stayed in Honolulu next to Ali Wai Yacht Harbor where I still had my sailboat that I lived on while in the Navy.  The Navy bought the sailboat for me with the housing allowance they gave me for relinquishing my BOQ room (Bachellor Officer's Quarters).

I was based in MIA (Miami) from 1969 to 1991 (707 and 747) except for a short period as an A300 Captain out of JFK in 1986

Captain Sherman Carr
MIA 1969

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